This blog was published on Shop Factory Direct which is a great site for furniture and home decor. I was delighted for the opportunity to guest blog! In the article I talk about the synthesis of style and color and how if you are unsure of choosing a color, sometimes you can visually identify with a particular style you like and that is a good way of choosing your color. But first you’ll have to read the article, so hop on over to shop factory direct’s blog, take a look, and leave a comment below. They have a huge selection and very good value on furniture and decor for your home. As a matter of fact I found this delicious lamp which I recognize as a ‘good lamp’ (like a good purse) from one of the major lamp manufacturers that we used to buy from at High Point and have in the studio back in my brick and mortar design studio days so I can speak to the quality. Let me know what you think of the blog article by posting here below:
Fear of color? Find your style with this easy color guide!
Blog Submission What is Your Color Find Your Style Category with this guide rev 1 final web page
Very well thought out. You are a good writer. My daughter Martha has looked at it and was very impressed. It looks like you did a lot of work…and computer skills to be able to put this together.
I wish you a lot of luck, but my opinion is that this is really timely and should do very well.
Marilyn Thank you so much! I have been having fun with it and I hope my readers enjoy it as well.